A Prayer for Times of Great Injustice

Prayer is an important first step in the struggle for justice.

Felicia Harris
4 min readJun 7, 2020

Heavenly Father, I kneel at your throne, trembling with tears. The weight of a fallen world is on my shoulders and it is simply too great to bear. Yet, I rejoice because I know that my hope is found in you. In your Word, you tell us that your grace is sufficient and your power is perfected in our weakness (2 Cor. 12:9), and it is that power that I call upon in this time of great injustice.

Power that can comfort. Power that can heal. Power that can guide me and protect me as I move beyond this pain.

Father, in this time, I come asking for wisdom (Jm. 1:5) and discernment (Heb. 5:14), because I need it desperately. I am so overwhelmed by the evil in this world and I need you to show me how to fuel my righteous anger into effectual Kingdom work, and to protect me from the temptation of using my emotions for more harm.

Lord, I need courage as I seek to understand what is just, what is right, and how to be more like you in this moment. I need courage to listen and obey to the directives that you give, and to not stand by quietly or hiding in fear while the world gives way to evil. Your Word says that you have not given me the spirit of fear, but of power, love, and a sound mind (2 Tim. 1:7). I declare that I have a sound mind when the world is in upheaval around me, and I trust that you will go with me wherever you lead me in this struggle for justice (Josh 1:9).

Photo by Josh Hild from Pexels

And God, in addition to courage, please give me strength and endurance to run this race without becoming weary (Isa 40:31). I know that I will never live in a realm of perfection on this side of Heaven, but I believe you have called me to be a change agent in this world. As I prepare to continue this fight against injustice, I cover myself with the Armor of God (Eph. 6:10–18), knowing that my battle is not against flesh and blood, but against spiritual forces of evil in this world.

As you lead me in this fight, I declare that I have your favor (Ps. 5:12) and supernatural provision needed to make an impact in this world. You have called me to be salt and light (Matt. 5:13–16), and in times of darkness I pray that the good deeds we accomplish are seen by the world. And, as people see us in this fight, God, I pray that you will place new spirits within them, remove hearts of stone and replace them with hearts of flesh (Ezek. 36:26). I pray this not only so that justice and love would abound, but so that people might draw near to you and be released from double-mindedness (Jm. 4:8).

Above all, God, I pray for salvation in the hearts of those who don’t know that they can turn to you in times of great distress, or those who — for whatever reason — feel they can’t. I seek you on behalf of the lost, the hurting, and those who are feeling crushed or forgotten by systems of oppression and the evil in this world. Your Word says that you are near the brokenhearted and you rescue those with crushed spirits (Ps. 34:18). I pray that your Spirit will comfort, advocate for, intercede on behalf of, counsel, and strengthen every person in need (Jn 15:26). In the name of Jesus, I cancel the lie of Satan that would have any one of your children to believe that they are cast out, forgotten, without value, or unloved. I know that you will leave the ninety-nine to go chasing after the one (Matt. 18:12–14) even in times of distress and, Father, I pray for supernatural revelation of that truth in their hearts, even now.

This work is not easy, God, and I need even more of you to see this through. I am grateful to call you Jehovah Nissi (Ex. 17:15), my Banner of Victory. I praise you because I know that Satan has already been defeated (Rev. 12:9–10), even if you don’t perform another miracle on this earth. Yet, I wait with great expectation for a miracle: that what Satan and forces of evil meant for harm will be used for good (Rom. 8:28). I take heart in these trials, for they produce perseverance, character, and hope (Rom. 5:3–5). In addition, they produce pressure that propels us forward, a knowing in my Spirit of your character and your love, and a steadfast determination to continue the work that you began here on earth thousands of years ago.

In the name and power of Jesus, I press on. Amen.

